The war between Knights, Vikings, and Samurai rages on in Season 4 Order & Havoc! Watch to learn more about Aramusha, a new hero joining the battlefield in season 4. Aramusha (Samurai Hybrid) – Wielding dual katanas, the..
The war between Knights, Vikings, and Samurai rages on in Season 4 Order & Havoc! Watch to learn more about Shaman, a new hero joining the battlefield in season 4. Shaman (Viking Assassin) – Equipped with a hatchet and a..
Grab your board and take on legendary waves in Surf World Series, the arcade game that brings you to 5 of the world’s most infamous surfing destinations. Perform intense tricks against 15 different surfers. Design your ..
As a reward for pre-ordering Moss, players instantly receive this exclusive dynamic Moss PlayStation Theme. The theme introduces them to Quill, the main protagonist in Moss, the highly anticipated PlayStation®VR game ann..
For the first time in Warframe -- explore, fight, and fly through the open Landscape of Planet Earth. Visit the bustling town of Cetus to craft weapons, shop for fishing equipment, take on quests and learn the ways of th..
Operation White Noise brings you two new operators from the Republic of Korea and the famed 707th Special Mission Battalion. They don’t call them ‘White Tigers’ for nothing and the 707th trains Korea’s finest operators u..
After an unexpected reunion, Bruce finds his attention (and his loyalties) stretched in yet another direction. Now, in addition to brokering a power struggle between Commissioner Gordon and Amanda Waller, Bruce must bala..
Need a recap? This all new video will fill in the gaps between Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza 6! Hoping to quietly settle down after a brief stint in prison, reformed yakuza Kazuma Kiryu returns to find danger surrounding the..
Hardcore action RPG The Surge is about to receive brand new content with a major new expansion! A Walk in the Park is coming December 5 to PlayStation®4. Watch today’s Teaser Trailer to get a first glimpse of the amuseme..
Race, fight, and hustle your way through the ranks of the most insane outlaw motorcycle gang in town. As the newest recruit navigating the dangerous city of Ashen, you’ve got two goals in mind: earn money and ride fast. ..
After many years, ARIKA's classic EX characters have once again gathered together! Heated battles will unfold between high quality characters on beautiful stages! Featuring 「強氣Gougi-」, a new system that transcends the b..
Enjoy the power to create and control people in a virtual world where there are no rules. Express your creativity as you customize your Sims’ appearances and personalities, and build them the perfect homes. Develop your ..
The continent of Europa is engulfed in the flames of the Second Europan War between the Atlantic Federation and the Autocratic Eastern Imperial Alliance. Although the Federation struggles valiantly against the Empire’s f..
Check out the Top 5 Plays from the ELEAGUE Championship for Injustice 2 featuring the elimination of Sonic Fox, an amazing character power + supermove combination, a reverse 3-2 victory, and an epic comeback. Credits to ..
Fighting evil across the universe isn’t an easy task, but these characters have the guts, power, and determination to win. Contains Premium Costumes for Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Nova, X, Zero, and Strider. Premium Costum..
These characters will stop at nothing to secure the all-powerful Infinity Stones. Contains Premium Costumes for Ultron, Thanos, Spider-Man, Frank West, Haggar, and Jedah. Premium Costumes are available as part of a pack..
Every story needs a hero. Will you heed the call? Over 10 million players have explored Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls Online, an award-winning online multiplayer RPG. Celebrate this incredible milestone with us by partic..
Meet the Demonic Dawn – the latest free expansion for Skyforge launching on December 12. The otherworldly demons, united under the leadership of the great Nihaz, are breaking through Aelion's defenses and all players are..
Wizard of Legend is a fast-paced dungeon crawler with an emphasis on dynamic magical combat. Quick movement and even quicker use of spells will allow you to chain spells together to unleash devastating combinations again..
Steep: Road To The Olympics is available December 5 on PlayStation 4. © 2015 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Tom Clancy’s, Rainbow Six, the Soldier Icon, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unreg..
Harness the Godly powers of the First Civilization with the latest Assassin's Creed Origins gear pack. This pack contains the Midnight Sun mount, the Moonlit Shield, the Lightning’s Strike (Hunter Bow), the Flickering Da..
When Brass isn't busy cleaning up her husband Dobbin's messes you can find her on the battlefield deploying some seriously wicked technology against the Unchained. Explosions are key to a good gibletization so Brass brin..
Continue your Destiny 2 journey with Expansion I: Curse of Osiris. Travel to Mercury, unravel the mysteries of the most notorious Guardian in Vanguard history, and battle the time-traveling Vex in new cinematic campaign ..
2018'de gösterime girecek Black Panther filminden ilk teaser fragman yayınlandı. Filmde Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan ve Lupita Nyong'o olacak...
23 Mart 2018 Beyaz Show Fragmanı yayında! Beyaz Show’a bu hafta Fatih Erkoç, Birce Akalay, Yılmaz Vural, Oğuzhan Uğur ve Deniz Cengiz konuk oluyor! Beyaz Show 23 Mart 2018 Cuma akşamı canlı yayınla saat 23.45'te Kanal D'..
Beyaz Show’a bu hafta; Candan Erçetin, Ahmet Kural, Murat Cemcir ve Saadet Işıl Aksoy konuk oluyor! Beyaz Show 9 Mart 2018 Cuma akşamı canlı yayınla saat 23.45'te Kanal D'de! Kanal D’nin sunuculuğunu Beyazıt Öztürk’ün y..
recep ivedik 5 fragman izle, recep ivedik 5 fragmanı, recep ivedik 5 fragman 2016, recep ivedik 5 fragman 2017, recep ivedik 5 fragman 1, recep ivedik 5 fragman 2, recep ivedik 5 fragman izle 2016, recep ivedik 5 fragman..
20 bin yıl önce Avrupa'da üst paleotik çağ döneminde geçen Alpha, konu olarak genç bir adamın bir kurt ile arkadaşlığını işliyor. Genç bir adam, kabilesinin en elit grubuyla ilk avına çıktığında yaralanır. Kendine geldiğ..
Gerçek bir hikayeden uyarlanan “Adrift”, tanıştıktan kısa süre sonra birbirlerine aşık olan ve hayatlarının macerasına doğru yelken açan iki insanı anlatıyor. Hevesli denizciler okyanusa açılırlar fakat yolculukları doğr..
Bir grup genç rüyalarındaki yazı geçirmek için yola koyulurlar. Gittikleri yerde bulunan gizli bir kıyı gölüne doğru yürüyüşe çıkarlar. Yola devam etmeleri için mısır tarlasını geçmeleri gerekmektedir. Fakat büyük bir te..