From JG Quintel, creator of Regular Show comes Close Enough, a surreal animated comedy about a married couple, their five-year-old daughter, and their two divo...
From JG Quintel, creator of Regular Show comes Close Enough, a surreal animated comedy about a married couple, their five-year-old daughter, and their two divorced roommates all living together in LA. They’re navigating that transitional time in your 30s when life is about growing up, but not growing old. It’s about juggling work, kids, and pursuing your dreams, while also avoiding stripper clowns and murderous mannequins. nnTheir life may not be ideal but for now, it's close enough.nnStream Close Enough available on HBO Max, July 9.nnSubscribe: the first to know more:nHBO Max: HBO Max on Facebook: HBO Max on Twitter: HBO Max on Instagram: HBO Max: nHBO Max is WarnerMedia’s direct-to-consumer offering with 10,000 hours of curated premium content. HBO Max offers powerhouse programming for everyone in the home, bringing together HBO, a robust slate of new original series, key third-party licensed programs and movies, and fan favorites from WarnerMedia’s rich library including Warner Bros., New Line, DC, CNN, TNT, TBS, truTV, Turner Classic Movies, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Crunchyroll, Rooster Teeth, Looney Tunes and more. #HBOMax #WarnerMedia