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Traditional Sufi Ceremonies Ensemble - Sufi Devran

  • 18 Nisan 2017, Salı - 01:09 tarihinde eklendi.
  • Kategori Dini

  • Throughout history our ensemble has examined the ceremonies carried out by Sufi's, with the desire to become closer to the Creator and to unite with the Creato...
    Throughout history our ensemble has examined the ceremonies carried out by Sufi's, with the desire to become closer to the Creator and to unite with the Creator, while espousing the goal of bringing to light a compilation of the common entities among various Sufi rituals while remaining loyal to their orginal form and essence, and presenting them to the service of humanity.
    Subsequent to research and work conducted throughout many years, in 2007 the "Traditional Sufi Ceremonies Ensemble" was officially established and commenced its performances on stage. Within this endeavor, we have compiled and adapted for the stage the most widely recognized and enriching Sufi rituals into a single ceremony which is presented today as the Sufidevran.
    In addition to the academic research conducted, the artists which comprise our ensemble and perform in this unprecedented collaboration, are also individuals who are performers of unsurpassed skill in their own respective fields.
    Our aim is to present to humanity the historical and traditional Sufi ceremonies which are on the verge of being forgotten, and in addition, to promote the beliefs behind these rituals.
    Our ensemble has remained faithful to spirit the original Sufi ceremonies and displays the utmost diligence in this performance, whether with respect to the music or the costumes, ensuring sustainment of aesthetic appeal at the highest level.
    Today, regardless of the language, religion or race of our audiences throughout the world, we see that our audiences accompany our performances with the deepest of emotions. Our ensemble will always continue to meticulously carry out its performances.

    With best wishes for all of our endeavors conducted in the tradition of oneness, unity and tolerance to benefit humanity...
    You can visit our web site for details of our stage performance.
  • mevlevi mevlana sufi dini
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